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    Kamal, 27 anni
    India, Chandigarh

    thank you
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    Jay, 56 anni
    Danimarca, Copenaghen

    I have found the love of my life! her name is Inna and she is the most wonderful and beautiful lady in the whole world!! thank you for this great website! I wish everybody the best of luck!
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    Pedro Jose, 43 anni
    Spagna, Almendralejo

    Meet a lovely woman , in love , this page is wonderful , love is wonder!
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    Frit, 48 anni
    Francia, Bayonne

    Thanks to your website. I found love with the most exceptionnal woman. A must
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    Mohsen, 31 anni
    Algeria, Batna

    This is the best site to meet an actual real persons, in fact i hardly need to my QUEEN
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    Svetlana, 28 anni
    Russia, Gorodishche


    Здравствуйте . Я не могу пока точно сказать , что это судьба . Но я встретила тут человека . С которым бы хотела попробовать создать семью .

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    Tamer, 43 anni
    Turchia, Adalia


    Hello everyone
    I thank this site I have found my spiritual Tawam here.
    I was so busy looking for someone you love and I loves in the internet is crazy. But the truth is different here I found my lover.
    After much effort and research, many deceptive women and money seekers found honesty and love

    My message to everyone is not despairing perhaps your destiny here
    Thank you very much to all the women who are here


    I wish all the new luck and success in the search

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    James, 57 anni
    Stati Uniti, Chicago

    A year ago I met the woman of my dreams here. We met in person in Costa Rica due to their flexible visa requirements for Russians. I proposed to her in November 2016 while in Costa Rica. I met her family during Christmas & New Years to get their approval of our marriage. They were wonderful. We recently passed all the US K1 Visa requirements. She moves to the US in August and we plan to marry in September 2017. We would have never met without this site. We exchanged over 500 messages on this site over the past year. Wish you all the best too.
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    Martin, 57 anni
    Stati Uniti, Aurora

    Great site
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    Lilia, 30 anni
    Ucraina, Kiev

    Great service
  • 30.07.17
    It's great and I hope be a winner  
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    Petter, 48 anni
    Norvegia, Oslo

    I found somebody
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    Kolding, 47 anni
    Danimarca, Kolding

    i found one women who i need spend time for ( i think its most seroious not to ride more then one horse- to figure out about she will be the women i whant live together
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    Bradley, 54 anni
    Stati Uniti, Corpus Christi

    This is a wonderful site.
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    Bruno, 38 anni
    Confederazione Svizzera, Zurigo

    found someone
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    Raj, 42 anni
    India, Nuova Delhi

    i found my woman
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    Crash, 48 anni
    Stati Uniti, Anchor Point

    This site is the best site I have found for a Russian dating site. There are no hidden fees and I was able to communicate freely with very sincere ladies without all the hidden fees of other sites. Even though I got scammed one time by my own stupidity the women here are pretty much all above board and will recommend it to people I know....I am only leaving because the logistics of finding and bringing a bride to the USA is just plain way to complicated for me....
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    Arthur, 51 anni
    Stati Uniti, Dallas

    Nice place to be
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    Ronnie, 58 anni
    Stati Uniti, Colorado Springs

    Yes, I found the love of my life on this website. Keep at it you'll find the real one eventually.
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    Maria, 39 anni
    Russia, Chelyabinsk

    Really good site
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