Commenti dei nostri clienti di Italy
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    Marco, 41 anni
    Italy, Milano


    Svetlana, 37 anni
    Russia, Vyborg

    I wouI'd like to tell a little about what happens and how things are....
    Finally me and Svetlana we met .. she is thousand times better than I could hope .. I met many important people in my life, spoken in public in front of many people and also with women I have never lost control .. when we met we have a tender kiss and I feel my heart exploded..needed a while to menage this big emotion.
    She is sweet but not feeble, tough character but not hard, complex but not complicated, wonderful as fireworks, beautiful more than a flower, lovely as a puppy and clever as we can talk of everything. Who knows me sais that I’m a family man, good and caring man and she makes me want to be better for her!
    Like in skype everything was simple, we spent three wonderful days in her town she cook for me russian food (I like it!) and now I miss her very much even if we talk in phone and with sms several times a day.. Miss her be hand in hold her in my arms..
    She is really special and perfect for me! I like her a that she is adorable (and beautiful!) when just awake in the morning sais “goodmorning darling”… I really love her!
    I’m not afraid of we are from different countries, we are similar and we complete each other..
    I love her son like mine and feel like we are a family..I ask her to move to Italy and we start to plain our live like a family…I feel like we alredy are, and want to take care of her and our sons for the rest of my life!
    Yes, when we’ll live together will ask her “THE QUESTION”…hope (and I'm pretty sure) she make me be the happiest man in the world and answer YES!
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    Tommaso, 61 anni
    Italy, Roma

    ho trovato ciò che cercavo
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    Adriano, 68 anni
    Italy, Roma

    si ho trovato qui la donna che cercavo- questo sito e' molto serio e buono
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    Antonio, 52 anni
    Italy, Pescara

    trovato il vero amore
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    Giuseppe, 51 anni
    Italy, Rovigo

    non c'è niente da migliorare il sito è uno dei migliori che conosco , il più completo e senza inganni...... grazie!!
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    Massimo, 48 anni
    Italy, Verona

    Buon sito molto serio e attento!
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    Marco, 41 anni
    Italy, Milano

    I came on this site looking for a partner ...I thought..let see..
    I'm a businessman and I thought in this way to have a better chance of finding the right woman for me .. I am very careful and thoughtful and I never lost my head in my life ..
    The site has allowed me to meet many women with whom I started a knowledge ..

    Suddenly I met Svetlana .. a wonderful woman, intelligent, sweet, clever, sensual.. adorable .. we have a lot in common, everything is simple between us, we are on the same level, we want and we like the same things ...we found each other.

    I'm not a fool and for all my live I've had the complete controle of everything..ten days ago I cannot believe a thing like that can happan to me..but now I completely, permanently and absolutely fall in deep love with her!
    She feel the same and we are now planning our live together.

    I wish everyone to find the true love like I do!
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    Manuel, 36 anni
    Italy, Padova

    ho trovato una persona speciale proprio in questo sito! auguro a tutti voi di avere la stessa mia fortuna!!
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    Lyubov, 53 anni
    Italy, Frosinone

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    Emanuele, 39 anni
    Italy, Firenze

    Ho trovato il mio angelo!!!Grazie di tutto!!
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    Marco, 34 anni
    Italy, Treviso

    Sito fantastico.... Un paio di mesi ed ho trovato la donna della mia vita... Auguri a tutti!!
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    Mario, 53 anni
    Italy, Belluno

    un sito davvero serio e fatto molto bene,complimenti a tutti,grazie per darci l'opportunità della vita..
  • Fidanzato(-a)

    Dino, 47 anni
    Italy, Bari


    Natali, 32 anni
    Ukraine, Donetsk

    Thank's for your professiol and serius site. We together meet love.
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    Dino, 47 anni
    Italy, Bari

    Grazie per la professionalita e serieta del sito noi adesso viviamo il nostro amore.
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    Valentina, 57 anni
    Italy, Roma

    Спасибо вам большое. Прекрасный сайт! Я встретила хорошего парня. Потому ухожу. Удачи и всего доброго всем работникам сайта!
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    Andrea, 44 anni
    Italy, Lucca

    Ho conosciuto una persona importante )
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    Massimo, 45 anni
    Italy, Ancona

    Thanks i found my special woman , excellent site which anyway it does require one still needs to use common sense . One can meet good people and with some luck somebody special at the right time. Thanks for all
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    paolo, 42 anni
    Italy, Roma

    Ottimo sito fatto da persone serie.
    Spero di incontrare presto la mia anima gemella!
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    Andrea, 28 anni
    Italy, Milano

    Thx, i found my love here!!!
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    Simone, 28 anni
    Italy, Milano

    Ho trovato bella ragazza
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