i pareri sui servizi
  • Kai, 54 anni
    Norway, Kristiansand

    I have found my woman, so I thank you for a well organized site...Kai
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    Olga, 54 anni

    сайт очень удобный в работе.
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    Oksana, 41 anni

    Спасибо большое. Сайт очень удобный, интересный и комфортный для общения, удачи! Еще раз спасибо!
  • Sposato(-a)

    I wish to thank allsinglerussiangirls for providing a site that allowed me to meet my future wife. The staff is very professional and knowledgeable have been very helpful in making the arrangements that were needed for me to come to Russia. I would recommend your agency to anyone who was interested in finding a partner for life. Again thank you to all the staff at allsinglerussiangirls for their great help.
    Arleighh,Pompano Beach, Florida
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    Anna, 26 anni

    Сайт отличный! Здесь очень много достойных мужчин!
  • Fidanzato(-a)

    Todd, 57 anni
    USA,Las Vegas, NV


    Natalya, 42 anni

    Dear Irina;

    I have written to you in the past, not sure if you will remember me. I would like to "THANK YOU" for everything that you have done for me. You have warned me of scammers, pointed me in the right direction in finding a sincere Russian woman. I thought you would like to know that I am going to be one of your success stories. I met Natalya on August 15, 2010, we corresponded for 5 months. She invited me to come and meet her. I set up a trip to Ekaterinburg the end of January, to go and meet her and spend her birthday with her. I spent 2 wonderful weeks with her, her family and friends. It was a trip of a lifetime. On the last evening before I was to leave for the United States, I proposed to Natalya. I dropped to one knee and asked her to marry me. I got a definite "DA"!!!!!! We have just started the paperwork to bring Natalya and her 10 year old son to America. I would like to Thank you and your fabulous staff for all the help and encouragement that was sent our way. If there is any other information about us that you need or would like to know, please do not hesitate to write me and ask. Thanks to you, Irina, You have made to distant star crossed lovers come together.

    Warmest Regards,Todd

    Natalya and I both feel as though that this meeting on your web site and our falling in love has to be destiny. Of all the web sites available, all the women and men on your site, that the two of us would talk for 5 months, then meet face to face and be totally in love has got to be in the hands of our Lord. I certainly would not mind sending you a photo of us together. You and your staff have been nothing short of professional and accommodating to all my needs, issues and have been very helpful. Thank you again from both Natalya and I for everything that you and your staff have done for us!!!!!

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    Helen, 39 anni

    Работаете отлично! Спасибо за все огромное!
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    Irina, 46 anni
    Russia,Nabereznye Chelny

    Прекрасный сайт! Очень удобный!!!!
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    Tamara, 56 anni

    спасибо за отличный сайт!
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    Marina, 52 anni

    все замечательно!!!ВЫ-СУПЕР!!!!СПАСИБО еще раз!!!надеюсь, я сюда не вернусь!!!
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    Regina, 25 anni

    Поверьте - чего-чего, а общения на этом сайте предостаточно. К сожалению, любовь здесь я не отыскала, а вот ДРУГА, настоящего, кажется , нашла=) Мы уже встречались - месяц назад он приезжал ко мне,а теперь билеты к нему в гости купила я=)И еще,милые женщины , помните - любовь рано или поздно придет: к кому-то быстро, к кому-то чуть погодя... ВЫ ВСЕ этого достойны!!! Счастья вам! Пусть на вашем пути встретится настоящая,вечная любовь...
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    Tatyana, 54 anni

    Интересный сайт,мне он нравится.
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    Irina, 46 anni

    Сайт хороший и удобный, но мне не интересно общаться в нэте, это все не настоящее, нереальное. Я должна почувствовать ауру человека, иначе не доверюсь...
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    Elvira, 51 anni

    Пока что точно ни в чем не уверена. Но знаю точно - нужно быть искренними в выражении своих мыслей и чувств - фальшь чувствуется сразу, особенно мужчинами с серьезными намерениями.
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    Elvira, 51 anni

    Предложения и замечания были ранее - я 2 раза уходила с сайта и вновь возвращалась. Надеюсь, если вдруг (не Дай Бог) снова понадобиться - вы меня пустите по старой доброй памяти. Буду рекомендовать Ваш сайт знакомым. Спасибо огромное всему составу поддержки. Удачи в делах.
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    Irina, 34 anni

    Спасибо за Ваш сайт и за ту работу, которую Вы делаете.
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    Philipp, 40 anni

    Many thanks - your website is fantastic!
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    Ina, 38 anni

    The site is very good. Very well thouht throug.
    Thank you.
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    Christoff, 45 anni
    South Africa,Gauteng

    I found someone ineresting and will see where it goes. Good site with few or none chancers. Mostly sincere good people. Thank you for keeping the rubbish out!
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    Marina, 31 anni

    мне все нравится!.. замечательный сайт!
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