i pareri degli uomini
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    Sam, 44 anni
    Australia, Sydney

    Great site...but found someone
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    Junior, 23 anni
    Ecuador, Manta

    gracia por todo....
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    Ycl, 51 anni
    Turchia, Istanbul

    aradığımı buldum. gerçekten ama gerçekten samimi ve dürüst bir site ile bunu gerçekleştirdim. herkese sonsuz teşekkürler.
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    Yonder, 19 anni
    Venezuela, Barinas

    es muy bueno este sitio web lo recomiendo...
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    Jaimejr, 23 anni
    Ecuador, Tena


    buena pagina , gran variedad de personas por conocer..!!  

  • Sposato(-a)

    Markus, 45 anni
    Germania, Monaco di Baviera


    Ich habe tatsächlich meine jetzige Ehefrau hier kennengelernt. 


    Viele Dank !  

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    Jaime, 37 anni
    Messico, Guadalajara

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    Hector, 35 anni
    Cile, Punta Arenas

    El sitio es excelente, lo puedo recomendar con mucha seguridad.
    Aqui encontre a alguien especial, asi que por esta razon dejo este sitio
    muchas gracias
  • Piotr, 29 anni
    Polonia, Varsavia

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    鉄平 Teppei 텟페이, 37 anni
    Giappone, Musashino

    я нашёл девушку
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    Ben, 34 anni
    Germania, Monaco di Baviera

    Finally a site with real people and a proper admin team. Keep up the good progress, lads!
  • K, 52 anni
    Stati Uniti, Corona

    Not interested anymore, I found someone already.
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    David, 59 anni
    Stati Uniti, Dallas

    This site was very helpful in finding great women. I have been fortunate to meet somebody very special that I hope to cherish forever.
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    Earl, 51 anni
    Stati Uniti, McKees Rocks

    good site
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    Muhittin, 69 anni
    Turchia, Istanbul


    I would like to congratulate you for running a very successful site. The layout, presentations, contents etc. are the best so far. I am quite new in your site, but yet the number of ladies I could get in touch with, and some promising developments are much higher than any other pretentious dating sites. Your quality is super. And I am very hopeful, although my criteria is rather high.

    Thank you very much and it is really a pleasure to work with you. Also your support is serious, versatile and helpful.

  • Vladimir, 22 anni
    Ucraina, Kharkiv

    Я уже нашел девушку
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    Cristian Javier, 24 anni
    Ecuador, Loja

    Muy Buena Pagina
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    Wil, 53 anni
    Paesi Bassi, Maastricht


    Oksana, 44 anni
    Ucraina, Zaporizhzhya

    Found my special lady

    Thank you  

    This site actually works  😉 ))
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    Borislav, 31 anni
    Bulgaria, Sofia

    It is quite good site... nothing wrong with it so far.That pleases me much.Glad that have found it.
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    Renato, 55 anni
    Italia, Milano

    Salve a tutti! Oggi chiudo il mio profilo perché grazie a questo bellissimo sito ho trovato una donna speciale e meravigliosa per me! Il suo nome è Olga di Kiev e per quanto possa sembrare strano , anche se ancora non ci siamo incontrati di persona, sento di provare qualcosa di importante per lei! Auguri a tutte per una ricerca fortunata!
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